FL District Disaster Relief Coordinator

Dear Florida District Pastors,

 Rev. Larry Sims of Soul’s Port UPC in Tallahassee, Florida, has faithfully served the Florida District for several years as our “Disaster Relief Coordinator.” Only God knows the time and sacrifices he and his wife have made to help so many in their time of need. For this, we all are eternally grateful. 

Brother Sims has asked our Florida District Superintendent, Steve A. Boyd, to consider prayerfully transitioning him out of this position. Earlier this year, Bishop Boyd contacted me and asked me to transition into the District’s Disaster Relief Coordinator position. Several months ago, Brother Sims and I agreed that I would come up to Tallahassee in September for a “tutorial.” I look forward to this meeting and doing my best to serve each of you.

As Florida prepares for Hurricane Idalia to make landfall somewhere in the Big Bend/Tampa Bay area, Bishop Boyd and I felt it would be good to announce this position transition. I will be working closely with Brother Sims and all the pastors who have been instrumental in assisting in times of previous hurricanes and disasters. My family, Hope Apostolic Church, and the other churches of Section 11 were greatly blessed by all the efforts of God’s good people in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. I look forward to coming alongside all of you and offering my hand in service and support as we look to God for his help in our time of need. If I can be of any assistance in coordinating relief and such like, please feel free to contact me.

In His Service,

Daniel E. Dagan
Section 11 Presbyter
Cell 1-941-276-7178
Email pastordagan@gmail.com


Hurricane Idalia Initial Response Update


Summer in the FLUPCI