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Steve A. Boyd
District Superintendent

Steve A. Boyd was born into an apostolic home. His grandparents received the Holy Ghost during a tent revival held by Reverend D. L. Welch in Otter Creek, Florida.

In 1980, he married Jacqueline, his beautiful wife. They have one son, Justin, who is married to Sarah.

At the age of 19, he accepted his call to the ministry, and they were involved in full-time evangelism for four years. In January of 1989, he was elected Pastor of Hatchbend Apostolic Church, where they continue to serve.

Brother Boyd has served the Florida District in numerous capacities, including Sectional Youth President and Sectional Secretary and Sectional Presbyter. He has been a member of the Florida District Board since January 1999. At the 2020 District Conference, he was elected to serve as the Florida District Superintendent.

In 2022, Brother Boyd was elected to serve on the Urshan Graduate School of Theology board.

C. Cody Thompson
District Secretary

C. Cody Thompson is fifth generation Apostolic Pentecostal, from DeQuincy, Louisiana.

After serving in his local church in music, Home Bible Studies, and Bus Ministry, he acknowledged the call to preach in 1993 at the age of 25, while holding a career in Drafting & Mechanical Design.

Bro. Thompson married Christie Moss from Orange, TX in 1995, and God began to open doors for ministry immediately. They served as Assistant Pastor in Pinehurst, TX under Rev. W.W. “Bill” Smith, and in Texas City, TX under Rev. Mike Wedgeworth.

In late 1998, after several miraculous open doors, Bro. & Sis. Thompson moved to Florida and started The Pentecostals of Orange Park, in the suburb of Jacksonville, where he is still pastor.

Soon after planting the church in Orange Park, Bro. Thompson was elected as the Section Youth Director. He has served as the North American Missions Secretary and then NAM Director for the Florida District.

In 2017 Bro. Thompson was elected to the Florida District Board as Presbyter in Section 5, where he served until his election as District Secretary in 2025.




Steve A. Boyd

District Superintendent

Joseph Abraham

Section 3 Presbyter

David Myers

Section 7 Presbyter

Daniel Dagan

Section 11 Presbyter

C. Patton Williams

Honorary District Superintendent

Allen Crabtree

Honorary Presbyter

C. Cody Thompson

District Secretary

J. Jason Varnum

Section 4 Presbyter

Dexter Gordon

Section 8 Presbyter

Mark Hattabaugh

Section 12 Presbyter

James Varnum

Honorary Presbyter

James Wolfe

District Administrator

Brian Kinsey

Section 1 Presbyter

James Beale

Section 5 Presbyter

Dale Eason

Section 9 Presbyter

Anthony Ballestero

North American Missions Director

Michael J. Williams

Honorary Presbyter

Justin Rogers

District Administrator

Jason Campbell

Section 2 Presbyter

Kenneth Wells

Section 6 Presbyter

Chris Meehan, Sr.

Section 10 Presbyter

Ryan Crossley

Spanish Ministries Director

J. Ellis Myers

Honorary Presbyter