Superintendent’s Message

Proverbs 18:21 , we read the familiar words of the wise man, Solomon, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue…"

Many illustrations potentially crowd our minds when we think about this passage. Perhaps it takes you back to a message you've preached or heard in the past. Maybe, this scripture reminds you of something that was said that impacted your life. That moment underlined the fact of how powerful words can be.

Throughout our state, many pastors and ministers are preparing a message to our churches today. To that end, we should carefully weigh our words, understanding the undeniable truth of Proverbs.

There is a passage of scripture that seems to play this truth out in living color. It's found in 2 Chronicles 32 . Hezekiah realizes that enemy forces have risen against him, so he has to devise a plan. In the opening scriptures of this chapter, we can see a portion of that plan unfold.

It seems apparent that Hezekiah understood the moment in which he was living. Perhaps, there were bloodthirsty men in that crowd. They were looking forward to another day on the battlefield. On the other hand, there may have been men that had concerns about their lives and the future. 

It was the immeasurable wisdom of this leader that set the tone. Verse 6 says that he "gathered them to him in the street of the city." Hezekiah brought them to one place. Then, the key that we cannot afford to miss comes next. "And he spake comfortably to them." 

This leader understood the power of speech. He could have worked these men into a frenzy. Pandemonium could have been the order of the day. However, he was much too wise for that. In verses 7 & 8, he spoke of how God would help them. We see the result of this approach in the closing words of verse 8. "And the people rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah."

As we lead our congregations and communities through these uncharted waters, may God help us never to forget the importance of what we say and how we say it. Because we know the "Peace Speaker," let's allow the spirit of peace to flow through us and into the hearts of those that will hear our message. Yes, we are in uncharted waters, "but with us is the Lord our God to help us!"

In these words, I find sweet peace and rest.

Steve A. Boyd
Florida District Superintendent


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