Welcome back, everyone!! The last time Florida gathered for a mass choir was at the 2007 Tampa UPCI General Conference 15 years ago. Over 350 voices joined onstage and sang their hearts out for the Lord that year and we plan to do the same this time around. This stage holds less than that but we aim to pack it out nonetheless. This is a big undertaking, but Florida is certainly up for it! Thank you for your interest and willingness to participate.


WHEN: October 6th, Thursday evening service UPCI General Conference in Orlando

SONG link

“WAY BACK MEDLEY”- (FRED HAMMOND) (singing starts at 1:57)
We will not be doing the entire medley. We will exclude the last 2 songs, “Oh Happy Day” and “Thank You”. We also will sing “Can’t Stop Praising His Name” a few more times than is done on the medley.






ZOOM “REHEARSAL”- We will not be having the zoom rehearsal Monday night, October 3rd due to several things, one being the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. Please continue to practice along with the vocal references at the links above. We will see you at rehearsal in the Choir Rehearsal room S319 at the Orange County Convention Center on Thursday afternoon at 2pm.

FINAL REHEARSAL: Thursday, October 6th @2:00-4:00 in choir rehearsal room (further details to come). Although it’s quite obvious how imperative this rehearsal is, if you are running late or miss the rehearsal, we still invite you to participate. But ya better know every note. J And worship like there’s no tomorrow.

SOUNDCHECK on platform: Thursday, October 6th @4:00-5:30pm. (It’s the full service walk-through).



LADIES- Any shade of green or choose from the color wheel below.

If you don’t have anything from the color wheel shown here, you can wear a black or gray/silver outfit.

MEN- Black or Gray suits. Ties- anything within the color wheel shown here or black, silver/gray.

We want to look as classy and cohesive as a group as we possibly can. But please do not stress unnecessarily over this and go out and purchase all new clothes. Unless, of course, you simply must...😊

 We will continue to update this information as we get it, so keep checking back. Please help us to get the word out to others in Florida also. Repost the updates you see on the Florida District social media too. Let’s keep the excitement going!

 And pray. Pray for anointing and power. Ask for God’s goodness and grace to rest on each of us as we go about this endeavor. This is yet another grand opportunity to serve Him and His people.

 If you have any pressing questions, ask away! I’ll do my best to answer them.  

Thank you everybody!
Melanie Elms